'20 (Soprano) Music Director
'21 (Bass) Asst. Music Director
'19 (Alto) President
'20(Tenor) Vice President
'21 (Alto) Secretary
'20 (Soprano) Treasurer
'19 (Tenor) Dan is a classically trained tenor who took private lessons at Indian Hill school of music. He has performed in Mechanics Hall, Symphony Hall, and Carnegie Hall. He can often be found annoying the floor of his dorm by singing, especially on the weekends.
'19 (Tenor)
'20 (Bass)
'19 (Beatboxer)
'21 (Tenor)
'21 (Alto)
'20 (Alto)
'17 (Alto) Knowing that almost everyone's bios start with a dependent clause leading into the real meat of their biography... it fills Ria with determination. She likes words and their stories, and she especially likes singing about them. Musical influences/inspirations include Fleet Foxes, Young the Giant, her dad's musically elitist mix CDs, and Aakanksha. She can reliably be found either at the duck pond or not at the duck pond. One day she will learn a popular song other than Radioactive.
'17 (Alto) Allie has been singing and performing for as long as she can remember! This is her first time in an a cappella group, and she's thrilled to be part of such a fun and talented family here at UMass. When she's not singing with the group, you can find her at work, at the gym (occasionally), or in her room trying/pretending to study.
'17 (Alto) From singing Bollywood songs at the age of three to founding Choral Dilemma in 2015, Aakanksha has always been passionate about music. She believes that music brings people together and is so happy to be a part of such an amazing group of people! Aside from singing, you will find her curled up with a book (the Harry Potter series, very often), watching movies (admittedly, she makes too many references) or spending time with friends.
'17 (Baritone) *Bio to come soon!
'17 (Baritone) Between co-arranging repertoire for the group and barking incoherent and unclear commands at people, Arsanuos thoroughly enjoys being a part of the brand-spanking-new group — Choral Dilemma. When he's not encumbered by the heavy amounts of responsibilities he's shouldering, or else socializing with an infinite number of people, Arsanuos can be found playing Assassin's Creed, drinking hot chocolate, or jabbering away in rapid-fire Arabic to his parents over the phone.
'16 (Tenor)
'16 (Baritone)
'16 (Soprano)
'17 (Bass)
'18 (Tenor)
'17 (Bass)
'18 (Soprano)
'18 (Beat Boxer)
'18 (Soprano)